Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Couch Sefing, the Netbook, and SA To Go

Well here I am at day 5 since the move (amazing that we left Greeley almost a week ago), and survival goes very well. I should not like to couch serf regularly, but it should work well enough for a month. Keeping a lid on food costs has been a little tough, particularly with SA finishing off her work at university. We will however be doing our utmost to keep a handle on costs. I am very proud of the progress we have made on conforming our finances to God's way, and am eager to see that progress continue. I am sure that with God's help it will go well.

As for living out of my netbook I must admit things have gone surprisingly well. I still long for a desktop, but that is only when the longing for Twilight Heroes. As I mentioned before System Access is outstanding for absolutely everything except for games like Twilight Heroes. I have however used it for everything, and I do mean everything, else. Banking, shopping, visiting all manner of web sites- SA did it all extremely well. This makes living out of my netbook fairly easy (with an external hard drive and a couple of flash disks) very easy.

Furthermore I cannot stop saying how much I love SA To Go. I am currently on my wife's laptop (who would take it very amiss if I were to instal a full time screen reader on her machine) and when I am done I simply close the internet and that's it. As I continue on my couch serfing quest I believe I will find even more use for SA To Go as I beg and borrow computers when my netbook isn't available.

Currently enjoying iced sweet tea with friends and looking forward to a great day tomorrow.

In two separate paragraphs of the Acts Luke tells us that
the early Christians in Jerusalem sold many of their
possessions, held the rest in common, and distributed goods
and money 'as any had need' (2:44, 45; 4:32-37). Are we to
deduce from this that they set a pattern which all
Christians are meant to copy, and that private property is
forbidden to Christians? Some groups have thought so.
Certainly the generosity and mutual care of those early
Christians are to be followed, for the New Testament
commands us many times to love and serve one another, and
to be generous (even sacrificial) in our giving. But to
argue from the practice of the early Jerusalem church that
all private ownership is abolished among Christians not
only cannot be maintained from Scripture but is plainly
contradicted by the apostle Peter in the same context (Acts
5:4) and by the apostle Paul elsewhere (e.g. 1 Tim. 6:17).
This example should put us on alert. We must derive our
standards of belief and behaviour from the teaching of the
New Testament, wherever it is given, rather than from the practices and experiences which it portrays. --John Stott

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