Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Doctor, Saltgrass, and Life

I am pleased to note that my doctor's appointment today went as well as could be expected. A cleaning of my prosthetic was all that was needed, and I was able to bump out the replacement until 11-21. All in all a good result.

I then ate an excellent meal at the Saltgrass Steak House- an outstanding rib eye steak with blue cheese butter and fries with ranch. A glass of wine to top it off combined with a bowl of great potato soup made it a meal to remember. Also our waiter Chris was a god among men, and was witty and sly. Ellis (he of great wit) and I were able to have excellent one liners with him.

As for life I am well enough. Trying to make work more enjoyable. Finally dropped out of the Union. Feel it promotes sub optimal performance and disagree with it philosophically.

Looking for a new apartment to live in, but everything I'm finding is above my price range. Not sure how long the IRS gig will last, but when/if it ends I would like to stay in Denver. Not sure exactly what to do, as I need to come to a conclusion within the next week or so.

Finally bought a Mac Mini. Like it well enough, but it doubled my credit card bill (curses) so am thinking I will return it until I can have a bit more solid of a financial footing under me.

Ruling the world, and looking good doing it!

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