"From the mid-'60s to the present, the percentage of school-aged blind children in this country who use braille as their primary reading medium has dropped from 50 percent to 12 percent, and more than a generation of blind children has been largely allowed to grow up illiterate under the damaging notion that tape recordings and talking computers are sufficient for them."
"This decline in the teaching and learning of braille has occurred not because the value of literacy has in any way diminished. On the contrary, in our democratic society for which a literate public is the cornerstone and in an economy which is increasingly complex and information-driven, the ability to read and write is increasingly crucial. This is all the more true as society's vision of the capacity of blind people to achieve despite their handicap grows, as prejudices against them diminish, as the law supports them in equal employment opportunity, and as opportunities for blind people to produce and contribute are expanding." --Full Article
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Comrade Bush etc.
This article is a wonderful discussion on the importance of free trade. With FTA's wasting away in Congress I believe it is more important then ever to both promote free trade and debunk the myths and stereotypes surrounding free trade.
Also Prop 8 looks like it will go down, not because of any rational reason, but because the AG of CA doesn't like it. Man oh man, if the right tried something like this the loud voiced left nutters would be all over it like white on rice. I really hate all this hipocracy on the "tolerent" left's part. Must come from not understanding the use of words or the fact that they have firm definitions.
This article speaks well to the mess we're in currently, and why the Dems will lead us out of economic hardship like Communism led to prosperity. And speaking of here is the article about Comrade Bush. This is why I get annoyed when great conservatives like Hugh Hewitt defend, and defend, and defend the poor anti-conservative choices of guys like Comrade Bush and attempt to call it conservativism. Let's call a spade a spade. The GOP is no longer a conservative party, and if they continue to act like light Dems they will justifyably be dwelling in the wilderness permenantly.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Also Prop 8 looks like it will go down, not because of any rational reason, but because the AG of CA doesn't like it. Man oh man, if the right tried something like this the loud voiced left nutters would be all over it like white on rice. I really hate all this hipocracy on the "tolerent" left's part. Must come from not understanding the use of words or the fact that they have firm definitions.
This article speaks well to the mess we're in currently, and why the Dems will lead us out of economic hardship like Communism led to prosperity. And speaking of here is the article about Comrade Bush. This is why I get annoyed when great conservatives like Hugh Hewitt defend, and defend, and defend the poor anti-conservative choices of guys like Comrade Bush and attempt to call it conservativism. Let's call a spade a spade. The GOP is no longer a conservative party, and if they continue to act like light Dems they will justifyably be dwelling in the wilderness permenantly.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Unlocking the Code

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Bailing Out Santa, amongst other things
This past Friday I converted from the Republican Party, which I have been part of for as long as I could vote, to the Libertarian Party. I did this because I am tired of offering my support, time, and money to a party that claims to be conservative socially and financially, but is anything but. At least with the Libertarians I can agree with what they strive for. God knows it's *TONS* better then anything the Dems are offering, though this gives me hope for the USTR at least. Keeping fingers crossed.
Also this interview with Santa on his need for a bail out from the Club for Growth is one of the most amusing things I have ever seen. I laughed for nearly three solid minutes as it went on.
Also this feed to the Cafe Hayek Blog is well worth adding to your rss list. Additionally this post by Russ Roberts points out well the issues of tax policy and the housing issues we are currently facing. Cutlo comments on the pros and cons of the current errors of President Bush.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Also this interview with Santa on his need for a bail out from the Club for Growth is one of the most amusing things I have ever seen. I laughed for nearly three solid minutes as it went on.
Also this feed to the Cafe Hayek Blog is well worth adding to your rss list. Additionally this post by Russ Roberts points out well the issues of tax policy and the housing issues we are currently facing. Cutlo comments on the pros and cons of the current errors of President Bush.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Braille Book Club
A Braille book club is starting on 1-16-09, from 6:45pm-8:00pm. Our first meeting will focus on determining a book for the group. Future meetings will discuss the previous month's book, chat about Braille and adaptive technology, and decide on a book for the following month. Anyone may partisipate (if a sighted person wishes to use print for example), and we will stick to a solid end time to respect partisipants time.
If you have any questions, please e mail or Skype me at george.mcdermith.
When: Friday 1-16-09 6:45pm-8:00pm (MST)
Where: Books and Beyond Room (http://accessibleworld.org/rooms/booksandbeyond.php)
Why: To encourage the use of Braille and a love of literature.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
A Braille book club is starting on 1-16-09, from 6:45pm-8:00pm. Our first meeting will focus on determining a book for the group. Future meetings will discuss the previous month's book, chat about Braille and adaptive technology, and decide on a book for the following month. Anyone may partisipate (if a sighted person wishes to use print for example), and we will stick to a solid end time to respect partisipants time.
If you have any questions, please e mail or Skype me at george.mcdermith.
When: Friday 1-16-09 6:45pm-8:00pm (MST)
Where: Books and Beyond Room (http://accessibleworld.org/rooms/booksandbeyond.php)
Why: To encourage the use of Braille and a love of literature.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Economics- the good stuff
Found some great articles on the economy. First if you're not listening to Russ Roberts on Econ Talk then click, click, click, and start listening to great information on the economy.
There is a great entry by Larry Cutlo on the Fed's massive interest rate cut. I myself am looking to refinance my loan on Colorado (a rental property I own), as I believe both the rental market will go up in 2010, and the value of land while high will not drop to zero.
Also an outstanding article on the importance of free trade and the need for Obama to clear up where he stands on this important issue for economic development for the U.S. and the world.
NRO writes about the farse that is the TS's bail out plan. Bad faith is the term I would use for the absurd drive towards nationalization that the TS has taken.
An editorial in the WSJ talks about how progressive economic policies spell death to our standard of living and to our economy. Extremely valid points. Another article talks about how recession becomes depression. Fiscal education has never been a strong point for many Americans, and it is my hope that Americans will take the opportunity of the current issues facing our country to educate themselves on the facts of basic economics, both personal and policy wise.
The Club for Growth states its disgust with pork and the impact Obama's spending plans will have if allowed to continue. I just don't understand why people think the government is smarter then the market. YEARS of history have shown the opposite to be true.
I love this article which points out the rubbish of a non judgmental thought process, particularly when one considers it in regards to economics. The point about the horse industry is well taken.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
There is a great entry by Larry Cutlo on the Fed's massive interest rate cut. I myself am looking to refinance my loan on Colorado (a rental property I own), as I believe both the rental market will go up in 2010, and the value of land while high will not drop to zero.
Also an outstanding article on the importance of free trade and the need for Obama to clear up where he stands on this important issue for economic development for the U.S. and the world.
NRO writes about the farse that is the TS's bail out plan. Bad faith is the term I would use for the absurd drive towards nationalization that the TS has taken.
An editorial in the WSJ talks about how progressive economic policies spell death to our standard of living and to our economy. Extremely valid points. Another article talks about how recession becomes depression. Fiscal education has never been a strong point for many Americans, and it is my hope that Americans will take the opportunity of the current issues facing our country to educate themselves on the facts of basic economics, both personal and policy wise.
The Club for Growth states its disgust with pork and the impact Obama's spending plans will have if allowed to continue. I just don't understand why people think the government is smarter then the market. YEARS of history have shown the opposite to be true.
I love this article which points out the rubbish of a non judgmental thought process, particularly when one considers it in regards to economics. The point about the horse industry is well taken.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Serotek Supports Braille Displays that are Accessible Anywhere!
A petition has been started by George McDermith at http://www.petitiononline.com/brldis/petition.html asking Braille display manufacturers to base their drivers on the human interface protocol, found on all Windows computers. Such a design philosophy will ensure that users can be certain of having support for their Braille display on any computer, not just one which has been custom-configured for such access, and will eliminate the need to depend on specific screen reader drivers.
The text of the petition reads as follows:
"To: Braille display manufacturers
We, the undersigned, who are Braille display users, friends and family of Braille display users, and teachers of the blind,
*: Believe that accessibility to information for the blind on a par with their sighted piers is a right. Believe that due to this right, and due to the cost of Braille displays, accessing Braille through the use of Braille displays should not be limited by the type of screen reading solution used by the blind.
*: Strongly request that all manufacturers of Braille displays cease basing the drivers of their Braille displays off of particular screen reader drivers, but rather base all Braille display drivers off of the Human User Interface Protocol, which can be found on all Windows computers.
*: This will allow true portability and equal access to information for the blind, as they will be able to use their display with any computer. This will create greater competition in the market for the best Braille display to stand out, grant greater literacy in Braille through greater access to electronic Braille books and other materials, and support the right of all blind people to have accessibility anywhere."
To add your support to this worthy cause, visit the petition web page at
The Serotek Team
To have the support of such a great company for this cause is extremely uplifting and empowering. I urge everyone to sign this petition.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
The text of the petition reads as follows:
"To: Braille display manufacturers
We, the undersigned, who are Braille display users, friends and family of Braille display users, and teachers of the blind,
*: Believe that accessibility to information for the blind on a par with their sighted piers is a right. Believe that due to this right, and due to the cost of Braille displays, accessing Braille through the use of Braille displays should not be limited by the type of screen reading solution used by the blind.
*: Strongly request that all manufacturers of Braille displays cease basing the drivers of their Braille displays off of particular screen reader drivers, but rather base all Braille display drivers off of the Human User Interface Protocol, which can be found on all Windows computers.
*: This will allow true portability and equal access to information for the blind, as they will be able to use their display with any computer. This will create greater competition in the market for the best Braille display to stand out, grant greater literacy in Braille through greater access to electronic Braille books and other materials, and support the right of all blind people to have accessibility anywhere."
To add your support to this worthy cause, visit the petition web page at
The Serotek Team
To have the support of such a great company for this cause is extremely uplifting and empowering. I urge everyone to sign this petition.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Braille Display Petition
If you are interested in making Braille displays accessible anywhere then please consider signing the Accessible Anywhere Based Braille Displays petition.
This petition asks Braille display manufacturers to base their drivers off of the Human User Interface found on all Windows computers, as opposed to the proprietory drivers they currently use. This would allow much greater Braille display access to all computers, without having to instal and remove drivers, or mess with configurations. This will truely aid in greater Braille literacy through a greater access to electronic Braille and other information on the computer. Please help us change the norm to a consumer friendly format.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
This petition asks Braille display manufacturers to base their drivers off of the Human User Interface found on all Windows computers, as opposed to the proprietory drivers they currently use. This would allow much greater Braille display access to all computers, without having to instal and remove drivers, or mess with configurations. This will truely aid in greater Braille literacy through a greater access to electronic Braille and other information on the computer. Please help us change the norm to a consumer friendly format.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Braille links
Below are some links for various items having to do with Braille. I hope this will aid you in finding the best Braille solution for your needs. If you are looking for a longer list, please see the *real* list.
Low Tech:
Looking for Braille paper or writing supplies?
In addition to the classic Perkins Braille writer there is now the Next Generation Brailler. You can also download a ringtone and send an e card celebrating the PNGB.
High Tech
Braille displays are perhaps one of the best inventions to happen to Braille since the Brailler. Talk about portability and useability. One can have one's entire Braille library on a CF or SD card. There are many to choose from, but below are some of the best.
Humanware's Brailliant and BrailleConnect series are some of the finest displays I have ever worked with. Sleek and lightweight with bluetooth, Humanware has really knocked this one out of the park.
G.W. Micro:
G.W. Micro has started distributing the SyncBraille display. Although not as advanced as Humanware or Freedom Scientific products, this display nevertheless provides quality access to electronic Braille. The simple layout makes grasping the workings of this device very straightforward.
Freedom Scientific:
The Focus and PM series of Braille displays are very nicely done. The hot keys and wizwheels, along with a crisp Braille output, make these displays one of the best. Too bad FS seems so intent on not playing nicely with others.
Maker of the Alva BC640, a truly amazing device- top of its class, with plug and play accessibility. This is really as good as it gets in Braille displays.
The National Federation of the Blind:
The NFB is currently conducting a Braille literacy campaign and is a strong supporter of Braille.
National Braille Press:
In addition to publishing books and selling them at the price the sighted public would pay for its books, NPB is also doing much to celebrate the 200th birthday of Louis Braille. Be sure to check out there monthly free Braille article and portabooks.
American Printing House for the Blind:
Oldest publishing house for the blind in the country. Need I say more?
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Low Tech:
Looking for Braille paper or writing supplies?
In addition to the classic Perkins Braille writer there is now the Next Generation Brailler. You can also download a ringtone and send an e card celebrating the PNGB.
High Tech
Braille displays are perhaps one of the best inventions to happen to Braille since the Brailler. Talk about portability and useability. One can have one's entire Braille library on a CF or SD card. There are many to choose from, but below are some of the best.
Humanware's Brailliant and BrailleConnect series are some of the finest displays I have ever worked with. Sleek and lightweight with bluetooth, Humanware has really knocked this one out of the park.
G.W. Micro:
G.W. Micro has started distributing the SyncBraille display. Although not as advanced as Humanware or Freedom Scientific products, this display nevertheless provides quality access to electronic Braille. The simple layout makes grasping the workings of this device very straightforward.
Freedom Scientific:
The Focus and PM series of Braille displays are very nicely done. The hot keys and wizwheels, along with a crisp Braille output, make these displays one of the best. Too bad FS seems so intent on not playing nicely with others.
Maker of the Alva BC640, a truly amazing device- top of its class, with plug and play accessibility. This is really as good as it gets in Braille displays.
The National Federation of the Blind:
The NFB is currently conducting a Braille literacy campaign and is a strong supporter of Braille.
National Braille Press:
In addition to publishing books and selling them at the price the sighted public would pay for its books, NPB is also doing much to celebrate the 200th birthday of Louis Braille. Be sure to check out there monthly free Braille article and portabooks.
American Printing House for the Blind:
Oldest publishing house for the blind in the country. Need I say more?
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ranting About Catholics Acting like Catholics
"The fact that there are people who want to silence the Church is disturbing. If people want to disagree with the Church it's one thing, but when you start this kind of name-calling it is intended to have a chilling effect," said Susan Fani, a spokeswoman for the Catholic League.--Full Article
A hot button issue for me is when people are angry for organizations acting in a manner that is in line with their morals and ethics. This is particularly frustrating to me in regards to gays and the Roman Catholic church. The church, despite the wishes of the Liberals in it, is not a democracy or social club you can change with force of voting numbers. I grow tired of the ranting about victimization on the one hand and demanding repression of disenting opinions on the other the gay rights movement is calling for. Prop 8, the RCC, and "tolerance" that is anything but does nothing but frustrate and devalue the cause of gay rights. I do not view it in this regard. I believe one should hate the sin, love the sinner. Note that love does not mean accept the sinful behavior or call it something other then it is.
Let the Church be the Church, and let it have its say. The joys of free speech.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
A hot button issue for me is when people are angry for organizations acting in a manner that is in line with their morals and ethics. This is particularly frustrating to me in regards to gays and the Roman Catholic church. The church, despite the wishes of the Liberals in it, is not a democracy or social club you can change with force of voting numbers. I grow tired of the ranting about victimization on the one hand and demanding repression of disenting opinions on the other the gay rights movement is calling for. Prop 8, the RCC, and "tolerance" that is anything but does nothing but frustrate and devalue the cause of gay rights. I do not view it in this regard. I believe one should hate the sin, love the sinner. Note that love does not mean accept the sinful behavior or call it something other then it is.
Let the Church be the Church, and let it have its say. The joys of free speech.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Some Good Economic Articles
I am a Club for Growth supporter and subscribe to their RSS feed. These articles come from there.
First a great article on the need for Republicans to build the future of the party off of the founding principles of the party. This message cannot be driven into the ground, because so many so-called conservatives are still focused on the big government nonsense that have us where we are today.
Another article talks about the rising importance of Economists' blogs. One of my hopes is that with the issues we are currently going through people will be encouraged to educate themselves about good stewardship. Probably wistling in the dark, but it is a dream.
The ROTTEN choice of Obama's trade rep is written on here. I still say there's hope for free trade, because the numbers and facts involving free trade and extremely difficult to argue with from a rational perspective. I don't wish to say there aren't costs. The market isn't perfect, neither is trade, but both free markets and free trade are *MUCH* better then what the government and protectionism offers.
An article talking about the horrid Corperate tax rate in the U.S. and how this impacts business and the economy. I don't understand how perfectly rational people who I like seem to acquire temperary insanity when it comes to the businesses they claim they hate, but in fact feed, clothe, and otherwise provide quality goods and services to them at excellent prices. *sigh* Where is Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal when we need it? For that matter where is Capitalism and Freedom?
One suggestion I really liked in the article was a consumption-based tax. This would provide a true tax on all manner of things while closing many loop holes. Probably never happen, but as above dreaming is nice.
Finally an excellent article on the fact that what we are going through is a government failure, not a market failure. If markets are allowed to function then things go well, but when risk is softened by government intervention, and banks are forced to loan to subprime borrowers in the name of everyone deserves a house whether they can afford one or not, then we have the mess we are currently in.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
First a great article on the need for Republicans to build the future of the party off of the founding principles of the party. This message cannot be driven into the ground, because so many so-called conservatives are still focused on the big government nonsense that have us where we are today.
Another article talks about the rising importance of Economists' blogs. One of my hopes is that with the issues we are currently going through people will be encouraged to educate themselves about good stewardship. Probably wistling in the dark, but it is a dream.
The ROTTEN choice of Obama's trade rep is written on here. I still say there's hope for free trade, because the numbers and facts involving free trade and extremely difficult to argue with from a rational perspective. I don't wish to say there aren't costs. The market isn't perfect, neither is trade, but both free markets and free trade are *MUCH* better then what the government and protectionism offers.
An article talking about the horrid Corperate tax rate in the U.S. and how this impacts business and the economy. I don't understand how perfectly rational people who I like seem to acquire temperary insanity when it comes to the businesses they claim they hate, but in fact feed, clothe, and otherwise provide quality goods and services to them at excellent prices. *sigh* Where is Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal when we need it? For that matter where is Capitalism and Freedom?
One suggestion I really liked in the article was a consumption-based tax. This would provide a true tax on all manner of things while closing many loop holes. Probably never happen, but as above dreaming is nice.
Finally an excellent article on the fact that what we are going through is a government failure, not a market failure. If markets are allowed to function then things go well, but when risk is softened by government intervention, and banks are forced to loan to subprime borrowers in the name of everyone deserves a house whether they can afford one or not, then we have the mess we are currently in.
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Some Thoughts on Politics
"Rohm & Haas made a fortune off of a small investment in politicians. That’s the power of pork. It allows Congress to put our troops at risk for 30 pieces of silver.
A article pointing out the forcing of the DOD to buy an inferior product for protecting our troops against chemical attack, all in the name of earmarks. This is a cross party issue, and one that the G.O.P. really needs to address to help regain its mantel of fiscal conservatism.
Also a great article on how Sadr is fading into irrelivance. With all the issues Iraq is facing, and particularly with the persacution of Christians in Iraq, I pray national unity and true tolerance are near in Iraq's future.
Finally an article showing Huckabee and Palin are close in a race for 2012. Although I don't appreciate Huckabee's sniping others, I also don't appreciate others sniping Christians and the social conservative cause. We've had years of a lack of true focus on the social conservative branch of the party. Would it be SO problematic to allow us to have a voice without being mocked for daring to believe that *gasp* our religious and Christian beliefs should have an impact on our politics?
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
A article pointing out the forcing of the DOD to buy an inferior product for protecting our troops against chemical attack, all in the name of earmarks. This is a cross party issue, and one that the G.O.P. really needs to address to help regain its mantel of fiscal conservatism.
Also a great article on how Sadr is fading into irrelivance. With all the issues Iraq is facing, and particularly with the persacution of Christians in Iraq, I pray national unity and true tolerance are near in Iraq's future.
Finally an article showing Huckabee and Palin are close in a race for 2012. Although I don't appreciate Huckabee's sniping others, I also don't appreciate others sniping Christians and the social conservative cause. We've had years of a lack of true focus on the social conservative branch of the party. Would it be SO problematic to allow us to have a voice without being mocked for daring to believe that *gasp* our religious and Christian beliefs should have an impact on our politics?
I follow with the iced coffee and a Braille book...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Alva BC640
The Alva BC640 is hopefully doing as it claims and is setting the standard for all braille displays, as its plug and play ability makes it very worthy indeed of laud.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Necessary Part of Your Accessible Digital Lifestyle
This article talks about the usefulness and importance of USB Thumb (or Flash) Drives.
Also the ESV lets you embed a link to hear the audio of Bible verses. For example if you insert http://www.esvapi.org/v2/rest/passageQuery?key=IP&output-format=mp3&passage=John+20:20-30 into your embed it looks like this: John 20:20-30
This will be a wonderful and outstanding tool for spreading the Word of the Lord throughout the web and beyond. My thanks to the folks at ESV for their great work for the kingdom.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Also the ESV lets you embed a link to hear the audio of Bible verses. For example if you insert http://www.esvapi.org/v2/rest/passageQuery?key=IP&output-format=mp3&passage=John+20:20-30 into your embed it looks like this: John 20:20-30
This will be a wonderful and outstanding tool for spreading the Word of the Lord throughout the web and beyond. My thanks to the folks at ESV for their great work for the kingdom.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Plug and Play Braille Displays Group Started on Facebook
In order to assist with increasing braille literacy through access to electronic braille I have started the group Consumers for Windows Driver Based Braille Displays on Facebook. If you wish to join please go to Facebook and find us through the search box.
The name may change, as the end goal of the group is to lobby for plug and play accessibility in all braille displays. The means to this end are irrelivent. With plug and play displays freedom will be gained for all display users regardless of which screen reader they use, and subsequent access to electronic braille (particularly books ) will be increased.
You can also go here to support the braille literacy campaign through self education about braille and methods to help educate others. Also the National Braille Press is commited to selling Braille books to customers at the same price their sighted counterparts would pay. They do so through donations, so please feel free to support their great work. They also have a focus on electronic Braille, as many of their titles can be obtained in a portabook format. Very worthy of support!
I follow with the iced coffee…
The name may change, as the end goal of the group is to lobby for plug and play accessibility in all braille displays. The means to this end are irrelivent. With plug and play displays freedom will be gained for all display users regardless of which screen reader they use, and subsequent access to electronic braille (particularly books ) will be increased.
You can also go here to support the braille literacy campaign through self education about braille and methods to help educate others. Also the National Braille Press is commited to selling Braille books to customers at the same price their sighted counterparts would pay. They do so through donations, so please feel free to support their great work. They also have a focus on electronic Braille, as many of their titles can be obtained in a portabook format. Very worthy of support!
I follow with the iced coffee…
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Taking the Road
Wonderful article on taking F.A. Hayek’s Road.
Extremely valid points on government intervention and centeral planning being the real underlying causes for the financial crisus.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Extremely valid points on government intervention and centeral planning being the real underlying causes for the financial crisus.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
An Apple A Day?
I have been studying and reading up on VoiceOver, the built in screen reader for Apple’s Leopard OS, and I am hopeful that this will be another blow in the battle for reasonable prices for adaptive equipment, particularly in the realm of screen reader software. JAWS costs from $900 to $1100, and even the outstanding and much more reasonably priced System Access is still $499. This is quite reasonable in the field, but the question in my mind is- just how good does a screen reader need to be to make up the difference between free and $499 or $1100? I would suggest good, but not amazingly good. Apple’s VoiceOver is, however, excellent. One can use a large number of braille displays right out of the box, and VO seems to work with the majority of programs needed on a computer very well. VO also seems to have the backing of Apple to become even better. As VO progresses I strongly question the ability of At company’s to continually improve their products to the point where hundreds of dollars are justified, rather then simply buying an Apple.
Granted all of this is probably still years in the future, but if things progress as they have been I wonder if it isn’t a matter of five years as opposed to ten or fifteen. I certainly hope so.
I follow with the iced coffee…
Apple’s Accessibility Site
Granted all of this is probably still years in the future, but if things progress as they have been I wonder if it isn’t a matter of five years as opposed to ten or fifteen. I certainly hope so.
I follow with the iced coffee…
Apple’s Accessibility Site
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Braille and podcasting
Well I am finally useing my refreshable Braille display again. I have let my Braille lapse, particularly over the past few months, and am attempting to gain regular useage again through the use of the display- the thought being that some use daily, no matter how small, is better then none. I am fairly pleased, and hope to continue the use. I will post updates here weekly as to how much I use the display to determine how the experiment progresses.
I am also learning how to create a podcast. Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about adaptive technology, and thus through the suggestion of a friend I have determined to give producing a podcast a go. The focus will mostly focus on AT, though anything related to blindness or my wims may be included. I hope it will provide another point of view in a field (that of podcasts related to blindness) which seems to be rather empty of regular updates. The excellent work of the folks at Serotalk being a pleasant exception to this rule.
Also I found this article on what Christian inclusivness looks like. Good stuff.
I follow with the iced coffee...
I am also learning how to create a podcast. Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about adaptive technology, and thus through the suggestion of a friend I have determined to give producing a podcast a go. The focus will mostly focus on AT, though anything related to blindness or my wims may be included. I hope it will provide another point of view in a field (that of podcasts related to blindness) which seems to be rather empty of regular updates. The excellent work of the folks at Serotalk being a pleasant exception to this rule.
Also I found this article on what Christian inclusivness looks like. Good stuff.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Blue Environmentalism
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Prop 8 Protest video
Linked to this article is some of the coverage of the prop 8 protest. One of the reporters note alot of anger and hatred on both sides. Oh? I noticed alot of anger and hatred alright, but only on one side. Disagreeing with a lifestyle choice and useing one's constitutional right to proclaim that disagreement does not constitute hatred and anger regardless of what the media proclaims.
I follow with the iced coffee...
I follow with the iced coffee...
On Free Markets
A great quote from Milton Friedman in this article about how some don't like free markets because free markets give people what they want rather then what some group thinks they should want.
I follow with the iced coffee...
I follow with the iced coffee...
Pruning the Party
An outstanding article about the need for Republicans to reclaim their roots.
Also some excellent thoughts on what went wrong with the Republicans over the past few years here.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Also some excellent thoughts on what went wrong with the Republicans over the past few years here.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Prayer for Election Day
Below is my prayer, both for today and everyday where the government is concerned. Although it is written for parliament the jist is proper for any government.
Almighty God, by whom alone kings reign and princes decree justice, and from whom alone cometh all counsel, wisdom, and understanding; We, thine unworthy servants, here gathered together in thy Name, do most humbly beseech thee to send down thy heavenly wisdom from above, to direct and guide us in all our consultations; and grant that, we having thy fear always before our eyes, and laying aside all private interests, prejudices, and partial affections, the result of all our counsels may be the glory of thy blessed name, the maintenance of true religion and justice, the safety, honor, and happiness of the Queen, the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of the realm, and the uniting and knitting together of the hearts of all persons and estates within the same, in true Christian love and charity one toward another, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Almighty God, by whom alone kings reign and princes decree justice, and from whom alone cometh all counsel, wisdom, and understanding; We, thine unworthy servants, here gathered together in thy Name, do most humbly beseech thee to send down thy heavenly wisdom from above, to direct and guide us in all our consultations; and grant that, we having thy fear always before our eyes, and laying aside all private interests, prejudices, and partial affections, the result of all our counsels may be the glory of thy blessed name, the maintenance of true religion and justice, the safety, honor, and happiness of the Queen, the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of the realm, and the uniting and knitting together of the hearts of all persons and estates within the same, in true Christian love and charity one toward another, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Apple verses PC
Found these great commercials and wanted to share them.
Mac verses PC
I follow with the iced coffee...
Mac verses PC
I follow with the iced coffee...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
An Excellent Thought
"I hope that people will not pray for me to see as they do, but rather pray for me to see as God wants me to see, in the spirit. Pray that the works of God might be revealed in me not by suddenly giving me eyes that work, but by helping me understand, live, and share the vision." --Mike Calvo
Sums up perfectly my thoughts on blindness.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Sums up perfectly my thoughts on blindness.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Christian Environmentalism
Found this great sumation on the Biblical view on Environmentalism.
I follow with the iced coffee...
I follow with the iced coffee...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Bailing Out From the Bail Out
"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity are getting sick and tired of always being asked to pay for the bad decisions and atrocious and possibly illegal behavior of others. We just became the owners of about a trillion dollars in bad debt in order to keep people in homes they couldn’t afford and Wall Street bankers in homes that only they can afford. (...) They told us we had to do the deal to save the economy. We did the deal. The economy is still tanking. Only now they have set a precedent that runs contrary to everything we have been taught about accepting consequences of bad behavior. Risk is a thing of the past. We have basically socialized the economy. No wonder the Dow plummets."
Full article: http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=OGE1ZjA4ZTE2MjQ4MzJlMGE4ZjkzNTMwMTRkMjA1YTA=
I follow with the iced coffee...
Full article: http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=OGE1ZjA4ZTE2MjQ4MzJlMGE4ZjkzNTMwMTRkMjA1YTA=
I follow with the iced coffee...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
More Economics
At ths risk of causing those few who read my Blog to fall over dead from bordom I here post a few more articles I think make extremely valid points about the economy in general and this current mess in particular. As anyone who knows me for more then a few days realizes I actually find this economics stuff, as well as political stuff, fun and enjoyable. That's right, I even listen to www.econtalk.org and its podcast. Find it most entertaining.
I believe that in this world the concept of economics has a profound impact on how we live our lives, and subsequently on what we do with them. Thus one's position on free trade, open free markets, and the moral implications of profits will have an impact through them on the world around them. Misinformation, or worse disinformation, on this important subject will harm not only this individual, but the entire world. Thus I believe my interest in this area is somewhat justified.
An Open Letter to Congress:
Penny wise Congress:
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were free market institutions they could not have gotten away with their risky financial practices because no one would havebought their securities without the implicit assumption that the politicians would bail them out.
Better we shouldtake our short-term pain straight up and clean out the mistakes of our binge and then get back to the business of free markets without creating an uncheckedExecutive branch monstrosity trying to "save" those who profited most from the binge and harming innocent taxpayers in the process.
I follow with the iced coffee...
I believe that in this world the concept of economics has a profound impact on how we live our lives, and subsequently on what we do with them. Thus one's position on free trade, open free markets, and the moral implications of profits will have an impact through them on the world around them. Misinformation, or worse disinformation, on this important subject will harm not only this individual, but the entire world. Thus I believe my interest in this area is somewhat justified.
An Open Letter to Congress:
Penny wise Congress:
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were free market institutions they could not have gotten away with their risky financial practices because no one would havebought their securities without the implicit assumption that the politicians would bail them out.
Better we shouldtake our short-term pain straight up and clean out the mistakes of our binge and then get back to the business of free markets without creating an uncheckedExecutive branch monstrosity trying to "save" those who profited most from the binge and harming innocent taxpayers in the process.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Government and the Environment
A good article on the issues we face when we attempt to speed ahead of technology and attempt to force the free market to conform to government.
I follow with the iced coffee...
A good article on the issues we face when we attempt to speed ahead of technology and attempt to force the free market to conform to government.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Outstanding article on the bail out
An outstanding article I got from http://www.clubforgrowth.org/. Sums up perfectly my thoughts for fixing the issues we face in our economy.
The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessaryattention,but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowherebe sodangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it. -Adam Smith
I follow with the iced coffee...
An outstanding article I got from http://www.clubforgrowth.org/. Sums up perfectly my thoughts for fixing the issues we face in our economy.
The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessaryattention,but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowherebe sodangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it. -Adam Smith
I follow with the iced coffee...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Modern Grasshopper and the Ant story
As we go through this economic crisus I grow more and more concerned about the ways we are discussing getting out of this mess. The below story illustrates well my concerns. As a mortgage holder myself who pays regularly although it hurts the wallet quite a bit these days I find the idea of haulting foreclosures and other means of eliminating the moral hazard involved in free markets to be frustrating and near sighted.
The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessaryattention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowherebe so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it. -Adam Smith
I follow with the iced coffee...
The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessaryattention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowherebe so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it. -Adam Smith
I follow with the iced coffee...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Walking in a Rain Storm and Giving a Cricket a Heart Attack
So I went to a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting tonight. Met some good folks and am going to an event Sunday night to start a new prayer room on campus. Walking to the Univeristy Center was fine, dodged the rain and thought the weather gods were on my side. Ha, ha. Unfortunately I didn't consider their supreme sense of irony.
As I walked back I thought I was on the right course, but it was pouring rain and due to a sip up I ended up being mixed up when I was on the right course all along. I was able to make it back (thank you CCB), and it was a learning experience.
When I got home I discovered that my lodger, a cricket who has been chirping at all hours on the night keeping me awake, was still making his abode with me. His lack of death was not due to any lack of effort on my part. At one point at 3am I actually considered burning down the place to slay my arch foe. Fortunately I didn't, so when I walked into my office, soaking wet from the rain, and found yon chripomatic still going I let out a war cry to let him (and half the apartment building) know that death was ni for him. He has been silent ever sicne which leads me to believe that perhaps I gave him a heart attack.
Who said life isn't fun? Walking in the rain and slaying crickets by heart attack... Well at least there's cold coffee in the fridge.
"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt," Bush reportedly told a group of senators.
Good idea O'Lord.
I follow with the iced coffee...
As I walked back I thought I was on the right course, but it was pouring rain and due to a sip up I ended up being mixed up when I was on the right course all along. I was able to make it back (thank you CCB), and it was a learning experience.
When I got home I discovered that my lodger, a cricket who has been chirping at all hours on the night keeping me awake, was still making his abode with me. His lack of death was not due to any lack of effort on my part. At one point at 3am I actually considered burning down the place to slay my arch foe. Fortunately I didn't, so when I walked into my office, soaking wet from the rain, and found yon chripomatic still going I let out a war cry to let him (and half the apartment building) know that death was ni for him. He has been silent ever sicne which leads me to believe that perhaps I gave him a heart attack.
Who said life isn't fun? Walking in the rain and slaying crickets by heart attack... Well at least there's cold coffee in the fridge.
"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt," Bush reportedly told a group of senators.
Good idea O'Lord.
I follow with the iced coffee...
Thoughts on Blindness
"When I go into a community to speak to a group and someone says to me, Oh I know exactly what you mean; I know what blind people can do, because I know a blind person, I often cringe. I say to myself, And what kind of blind person do you know?
This gives emphasis (if, indeed, emphasis is needed) to the constantly observed truth that all blind people are judged by one. If a person has known a blind man who is especially gifted as a musician, he is likely to believe that all of the blind are good at music. Many of us are living examples of the fallacy of that misconception." -- Dr. Kenneth Jernigan
“Let me be very clear about this. I have no wish to minimize the character and extent of blindness as a disability. It is for all of us a constant nuisance and a serious inconvenience. To overcome it requires effort and patience and initiative and guts. It is not compensated for, despite the fairy tales to the contrary, by the spontaneous emergence of a miraculous sixth sense or any other magical powers. It means nothing more or less than the loss of one of the five senses and a corresponding greater reliance upon the four that remain as well as upon the brain, the heart, and the spirit.” – “The Cross of Blindness” by Dr. Jacobus tenBroek
The Courtesy Rules of Blindness:http://www.blind.net/g0000001.htm
I follow with the iced coffee...
This gives emphasis (if, indeed, emphasis is needed) to the constantly observed truth that all blind people are judged by one. If a person has known a blind man who is especially gifted as a musician, he is likely to believe that all of the blind are good at music. Many of us are living examples of the fallacy of that misconception." -- Dr. Kenneth Jernigan
“Let me be very clear about this. I have no wish to minimize the character and extent of blindness as a disability. It is for all of us a constant nuisance and a serious inconvenience. To overcome it requires effort and patience and initiative and guts. It is not compensated for, despite the fairy tales to the contrary, by the spontaneous emergence of a miraculous sixth sense or any other magical powers. It means nothing more or less than the loss of one of the five senses and a corresponding greater reliance upon the four that remain as well as upon the brain, the heart, and the spirit.” – “The Cross of Blindness” by Dr. Jacobus tenBroek
The Courtesy Rules of Blindness:http://www.blind.net/g0000001.htm
I follow with the iced coffee...
McCainiacs Running Wild!
For those who know my love for iced coffee the above article will show you unbelieving infidels that I was right all along when I called my coffee drinking 'holy'. *grin*
Desiring that blessed beverage even now...
For those who know my love for iced coffee the above article will show you unbelieving infidels that I was right all along when I called my coffee drinking 'holy'. *grin*
Desiring that blessed beverage even now...
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